What - How - Why?

Let’s begin with an important question:

What is Energy Alchemy?

…and how does it relate to business?

When I speak to business owners about “energy alchemy”, they very often have no idea what I’m talking about.

They may understand cognitively that everything is made of energy and that this might be fascinating and useful for physicists or energy healers, but they’ve not usually thought about the role that energy might be playing in their lives - in their bodies, their relationships, their creative endeavours or their businesses.

Even the more spiritual of my clients often have more of a mental understanding of energetics, rather than a practical, hands on daily practise as part of their business day to day.

And this is where I come in..

I’m here to demystify the notion of “energy alchemy” and to take it out of the realm of spiritual woo-woo and bring it right back into the practical and the tangible.

I want to show people how useful and effective energy alchemy can be as part of our daily toolkit and as a powerful methodology for crafting a successful business and a balanced, harmonious life. 

How do we do this?

By skilfully leveraging the mind-body-soul connection into a kind of 360 approach: 

  1. We use the MIND by working with focussed, targeted visualisations.

  2. We use the BODY by working somatically with subtle energy, using the felt-senses. 

  3. We work closely with our SOUL: by cultivating a more spiritually connected relationship with ourselves and the world around us and by accessing our true multidimensional capacities.

Why energy alchemy for business owners?

Because it works. Because we are vastly more powerful than we realise and my life’s purpose is to teach you the tools and techniques to discover and deploy your personal power. 

Because energy alchemy is a highly practical and effective way to contribute to systemic change - in your own life and the wider world in which you operate. 

To anchor these tools into a refined and embodied practise of business as a force for collective healing is a powerful way for us to channel our Genius into meaningful service. 

Curious about how energy alchemy could work for your business?